PSSC is a Professional organization. In addition to its accreditation with various top ranked organizations, colleges / universities abroad to excel distance learning on fast track, online, competency based and regular education for life experienced, matured and on-job professionals.
PSSC operates on Public-Private Partnership. Private Sector Businessmen have created the success story of the PSSC. PSSC is engaged to identify ,develop and arrange Vocational, Technical, Professional, Computer Training (IT), Medical Programs. Training Programs are flexible, demand driven and cost effective with maximum participation from the Employers. PSSC, Lahore also offers tailor-made courses, according to the customers needs. It conducts Training Needs Assessment Surveys and schedules its training programs accordingly.
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Competitive Fee

Our fees are highly competitive in the pakistan market to let everyone to get education from distance.
Quality Education
We are at PSSC are committed to provide quality education so we hired highly professional teachers.
We are pushing professionals of every field to next step with the help of our advance courses.